Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Blessed Be - Air by Evan Palmer

Blessed Be the air that flows around us,

that ripples the grass and bows the flowers.

The air that lifts the birds towards the sun and pushes the

clouds in the sky and fills our lungs.

The wind that fills the sails and turns the mills and furls the

waves and fuels our life.

Blessed Be.

Support his art, ideas and worldview, Order books by Louis Evan Palmer: the novel "Oaklane Woods"; short stories "Tales Told to a Tree"; poems "40 Poem Fragments". Order via Kindle link below or at right of screen

Copyright 2011 Louis Evan Palmer lives in Ontario Canada. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

PROMOTION - free kindle book tomorrow - Tales Told To A Tree by Evan Palmer

P R O M O T I O N !

Tomorrow - the book of short stories TALES TOLD TO A TREE will be * free * on KINDLE

click on link below or at the right for "BUY BOOKS BY EVAN PALMER"


=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Support his art, ideas and worldview, Order books by Evan Palmer: the novel "Oaklane Woods"; short stories "Tales Told to a Tree"; poems "40 Poem Fragments". Order via Kindle link at right of screen

Copyright 2011 Evan Palmer lives in Ontario Canada. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

RIM executives drugged? War on RIM continues by Louis Evan Palmer

It's the excess of it that triggers suspicion.

Like the 911 attacks, 3 buildings in New York not one or even two but three including one that wasn't even hit. And then another one in Washington. And then another plane downed in Pennsylvania. It's the excess of someone catering to an audience whose attention is very difficult to get and maintain.

This RIM stuff is much smaller in scale in terms of violence but it is the same mindset that veers to excess. It has the potential of affecting tens of thousands of people and billions of dollars worth of assets and patents and destroying a competitor and buying its assets at firesale prices. Like Nortel.

The latest RIM story is that two executives went beserk on an Air Canada flight, attacking crew members, being restrained, gnawing through their restraints and forcing the pilot to divert and land at Vancouver.

How incredibly coincidental that both men would go beserk, both had to be restrained, both gnawed through their restraints. It's the "amplify effect" where it was a concern that only one RIM executive being drunk on a plane wouldn't get enough coverage so we need at least two; and, just being drunk was not enough, they had to be raging psychos; and, the plane HAD to be diverted and the unruly dangerous passengers arrested to ensure worldwide front-page coverage and more bad publicity for RIM.

Here's another take. RIM is in the cross-hairs of amoral ravenous predators who want it out of the picture, want its key assets for a pittance and want to make scads of easy money to boot. So, we want lots of distractions and both heavy blows and the death of a thousand cuts. You drop a drug into those RIM execs drinks or food that increases violent behavior. The requirement is for a drug whose effects are intensified by alcohol. Perhaps a dose of testoterone or an anti-depressant like rohypnol or methamphetamine. Something guaranteed to make the ingestor extremely violent when combined with alcohol. That they would have some alcohol on such a long flight was a certainty. And, viola, another bad news story for RIM, another shot in this specific economic war, making money along the way until the big prize falls out of the sky a la Nortel. Also, check for trading anomalies on RIM stocks for those days.

It's too late for forewarning but not too late for the strongest possible defense (which includes an offense).

RIM executives drugged? War on RIM continues, Louis Evan Palmer, The Way It Can Be, http://twicb.blogspot.com

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Support his art, ideas and worldview, Order books by Louis Evan Palmer: the novel "Oaklane Woods"; short stories "Tales Told to a Tree"; poems "40 Poem Fragments". Order via Kindle link at right of screen

Copyright 2011 Louis Evan Palmer
He lives in Ontario Canada. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

St Augustine's God & The Problem of Evil by Louis Evan Palmer

There is a simultaneity about everything that is both mystifying and satisfying. Matter is Energy. Energy is Matter. Matter & Energy exist as both particles and waves. God exists both in Time and outside of Time.

Augustine of Hippo devoted a great deal of effort to the problem of evil and at the risk of over-simplifying, his argument can be summarized as "All's Well That Ends Well"; that God, being outside of time, can see all of it at once and can see and know that today's evil is righted by tomorrow's good; that a future joy and contentment can atone for the present suffering and anxiety - more, that it was necessary, that one could not have followed without the other.

Can evil be viewed as the fire in the forge? That the sword of our life depends on evil for its edge and its purpose? One of our problems is that it's difficult for us to tell the difference between normal adversity and abnormal evil or that when we find ourselves in times where evil is normal, it's a directed evil armoured in self-defense and called survival.

St Augustine's God and The Problem of Evil, Louis Evan Palmer, The Way It Can Be, http://twicb.blogspot.com

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Support his art, ideas and worldview, Order books by Louis Evan Palmer: the novel "Oaklane Woods"; short stories "Tales Told to a Tree"; poems "40 Poem Fragments". Order via Kindle link at right of screen

Copyright 2011 Louis Evan Palmer lives in Ontario Canada. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications.


Saturday, December 03, 2011

H5N1 - Five Easy Mutations by Louis Evan Palmer

There's something rotten in the Netherlands and something seriously wrong with a system that funds and encourages scientists to develop MORE contagious versions of viruses. Other labs have tried to make the H5N1 virus more contagious - it already is virulent, killing up to 60% on those infected. They failed but Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam and his team in the Netherlands succeeded.

Normally, this would be hailed as a tremendous thing but this is not a cure for anything or something that will advance the human condition. In fact, now we have the most powerful weapon in the world in some lab in western Europe. Even worse, these scientists are so selfish and inward-thinking that they want to publish their research which will allow other countries and groups including corporations to more easily develop their own world-killing viruses.

Dr. Thomas Inglesby, the director and CEO of the Center for Biosecurity at the University of Pittsburgh was quoted as saying: "It's just a bad idea for scientists to turn a lethal virus into a lethal and highly contagious virus. And it's a second bad idea for them to publish how they did it so others can copy it."

It's much more than a bad idea. It's criminal. These people should be locked up and their labs and organizations should be fined and closed.

H5N1 - Five Easy Mutations, Louis Evan Palmer, The Way It Can Be, http://twicb.blogspot.com

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Support his art, ideas and worldview, Order books by Louis Evan Palmer: the novel "Oaklane Woods"; short stories "Tales Told to a Tree"; poems "40 Poem Fragments". Order via Kindle link below or at right of screen

Copyright 2011 Louis Evan Palmer lives in Ontario Canada. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications.