Monday, August 21, 2006

2nd Hint - You might be in a Holographic Universe if ... by Louis Evan Palmer


Most explanations of how we think involve the brain. Most explanations of how we perceive involve the brain - in fact, one type of blindness concerns a malfunction in the neo-cortex; the person's eyes see properly but because that part of the brain has been damaged, they're blind. Most explanations of how we remember involve the brain as well.

In Science, a well-founded exception to any given rule invalidates it. The more deeply entrenched the rule or theory is, the more opposition is generated. We then see Science's supposed impartiality and coolness fall away like icebergs from a melting ice sheet.

When John Lorber, a British neurologist, perfomed CAT scans on various individuals for conditions like spina bifuda, he came across several hundred who were missing various percentages of their brains. The most amazing case was that of a young man who not only had above average intelligence but, in fact, was a mathematics scholar although he had almost no brain.

What complicates things is that a certain number of the persons with no brain were impaired in various ways. But the salient point is that according to standard theories the expectation was that they would all be impaired to different degrees. However, a substantial percentage were normal or above normal in intelligence and ability.

This is a stunning finding, and yet, much of the scientific world, just continues on its pre-established way, making comments about how it is "interesting" or how it merits "more study", but not much more than that, at least on the surface.

It's a certainty that secret programs are underway to explore this phenomenon, but when, or if, any new knowledge they discover will be revealed is up for debate. The enormous danger and damage these secret programs entail will be the subject of other articles.

Getting back to the smart young man with no brain, how does he think with no brain? It is vaguely reminescent of the search for the ultimate particle - even candidate turns out to be composed of other more nebulous particles. Now, the search for the seat of intelligence which had supposedly ended with the brain is back on again.

A Holographic Universe allows for brainless thinking because it posits that our entire body and the universe itself are the projection of thoughts of one and many minds. It's almost as if the appearance of our universe, while near perfect, can't account for everything all the time and so these dissonances, as it were, are the cracks and fissures through which the illusion is exposed.

2nd Hint - You might be in a Holographic Universe if, Louis Evan Palmer,
Copyright Louis Evan Palmer


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