Right Remembrance by Louis Evan Palmer
We see almost none of that on the various Remembrance days (or Veterans Day). We see individual heroic stories and carefully disguised articles depicting useless mindless destruction and state-fostered hate made to look glorious or altruistic. We see the "winners" gloating each year in recollections of varying length depending if there is an anniversary or some other marker.
We see almost no discussion of the causes of any given war or the lessons learned (usually the wrong ones) or how to prevent wars in general or any specific war. We see and hear the endless propaganda and lies interspersed with truths. Patriotism shields the perpetrators who walk free, often lionized. Their crimes buried along with the sacrificed. Lessons lost, ignored and subverted.
Support his art, ideas and worldview, Order books by Louis Evan Palmer: the novel "Oaklane Woods"; short stories "Tales Told to a Tree"; poems "40 Poem Fragments". Order via Kindle link at right of screen Copyright 2014 Louis Evan Palmer
He lives in Ontario Canada. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications.