Saturday, March 08, 2008

Sovereign Wealth Funds by Louis Evan Palmer

Sovereign Wealth Funds
Versus Super Wealthy Family Funds
Versus Hedge Funds & Private Equity
Versus Drug & Gun Money & Other Criminal Enterprise

The righteous bellows from various pseudo-nationalists about Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) have the sound of someone whose toes are being stepped on. The complaints of one gang when another gang intrudes on their turf.

If we are truly worried about SWFs then why aren't we just as worried about gigantic family trusts which are even more self-serving and counter-intuitive in their placements and investments.

If we are truly worried about SWFs then why aren't we as worried about Hedge Funds and Derivatives and other murky financial instruments that are being used to relieve people and government and businesses of their valuables.

If we are truly worried about SWFs then why aren't we as worried about the vast sums of money flowing from criminal enterprises and rogue divisions of intelligence services. As in Drugs, Guns, Pornography, Slavery and Smuggling.

And there is always ravenous shadow-seeking acquisition-hungry corporations.

Who's worried about all of them? Who's watching them? Who's fighting them?

It's only us. It can only ever be us. Desist. Resist. Insist.

Sovereign Wealth Funds, The Way It Can Be, Louis Evan Palmer,
Copyright 2007 Louis Evan Palmer lives in Ontario Canada. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications.


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