Monday, September 07, 2015

No Future with Nuclear by Louis Evan Palmer

There are so many pending catastrophes, so many tipping points, that it seems almost futile to attempt to remedy anything. But we try. Hope and nothing else to do except the right thing pushes us along.

We worry about a nuclear exchange, about its immediate local damage, but also about the mid and long term effects of the pollution emitted. Yet it already may be too late just from the over 2000 test explosions that have take place since 1945.

To date, nuclear technology has been mostly a disaster. We generate power for which we pile up toxic waste that we can't safely dispose of. The plants themselves often resemble bombs ready to ignite if one or other accident or act of God or deliberate sabotage puts it into a meltdown. Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukishima have spewed out enormous quantities of poisonous radioactive material.

From the furnaces of hell come depleted uranium shells that vaporize on impact and spread a sickening haze of toxic long-lasting nanoparticles. All spread world-wide by the winds, no place safe, no pristine haven. All people and all creation subject to the same sentence - death by poison and unmitigating hubris.

Can we not sue these trojan horse gifts of science out of existence by litigating the governments and private firms responsible? Can we not dissolve any ill-gotten legal protections that corrupt governments may have given themselves and their minions so they can foist these "gifts" on us?

We must try.

No Future with Nuclear, Louis Evan Palmer, The Way It Can Be, twicb 
Support his art, ideas and worldview, Order books by Louis Evan Palmer: the novel "Oaklane Woods"; short stories "Tales Told to a Tree"; poems "40 Poem Fragments". Order via Kindle link at right of screen Copyright 2015 Louis Evan Palmer He lives in Ontario Canada. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

"Too Many People" isn't the problem by Louis Evan Palmer

The charities plead for money and show the poor suffering children and others who see this will often observe that this is the result of over-population.

"Too many people" is not the problem; over-consumption and appropriation of resources by the few is the problem. There could be enough food if proper assistance & training & tools were available.

Given that, the other barriers would mostly fade away. Security is still needed but it would diminish in importance as the prosperity levels rose.

We could transform our cities with greenhouse roofs and retrofit our agriculture with a new old system of multi-culture. Food security including water is step one.

Not killing 90% of the people. Populations will drop on their own as they modernize.

Too Many People is not the Problem by Louis Evan Palmer, The Way It Can Be
Support his art, ideas and worldview, Order books by Louis Evan Palmer: the novel "Oaklane Woods"; short stories "Tales Told to a Tree"; poems "40 Poem Fragments". Order via Kindle link at right of screen

Copyright 2015 Louis Evan Palmer He lives in Ontario Canada. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Pettiness of Power and the Canadian Flag

Tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of the Canadian Maple Leaf Flag. By any standard, it would be a momentous occasion, in any country. Except a country run by a leader and supporters who do not hold to the country as much as they hold to their own power, their political party and their nasty little perversions of history.

It is galling that one of the most distinctive and alluring of flags can be insulted by a desiccating  neglect and the pettiness of those who would deny the whole to spite the part. They cannot deny that this neglect is politically motivated; that they ignore this anniversary because the leader of another party brought it forth. As expected, the Conservatives were obstinately against it.

The Conservative Party will never have the hearts of the nation because they are a bloodless lot who are always nursing a grievance or a slogan and constantly on the lookout for vengeance and some vile payback. They demonstrate through the decades that theirs is a withering party from whom nothing new issues and nothing good intentionally happens. They've boiled out the good in conservatism and left behind an enervating bitterness.

It will be up to ordinary Canadians to honour their flag on its 50th anniversary and its 100th and beyond, hopefully for the longest possible time.

The Pettiness of Power and the Canadian Flag, Louis Evan Palmer, The Way It Can Be, http:\\
Support his art, ideas and worldview, Order books by Louis Evan Palmer: the novel "Oaklane Woods"; short stories "Tales Told to a Tree"; poems "40 Poem Fragments"; the book "Aphorisms ..". Order via Kindle link at right of screen Copyright 2015 Louis Evan Palmer He lives in Ontario Canada. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications.

Saturday, January 03, 2015

Everything resolves into itselfness by Louis Evan Palmer

Let's do a thought experiment to try and explain how many of the statements in Zen and other equivalent philosophies can make sense. Like how can both the relative and the absolute co-exist?

First up, Time. Does time exist on its own? If time is a dependent experience or event or series of events then it doesn't exist outside of its dependencies. For example, change. If nothing changes then time does not exist.

Next, Mind or matter. Which one has primacy? If mind has primacy than matter is an outcome of mind or mental forces. Does this affect our perception of realness? Do they seem less real because now they are firmly within our influence or our realm of perception?

Then there's causality and sequentiality. If possibilities spin off their own universes and everything is happening simultaneously then a set of sad events or outcomes are offset by happy outcomes and all events have already happened if we step out of time.

If there are an infinite number of universes then the core or substrate is the same but what we perceive is defined by the boundaries we create or accept. And, everything that can happen has happened and it's up to us to exist fully in each timeless moment and do the best we can. And feelings and emotions are important and meaningless; a condiment to life.

Everything resolves into itselfness, Louis Evan Palmer, The Way It Can Be,
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Support his art, ideas and worldview, Order books by Louis Evan Palmer: the novel "Oaklane Woods"; short stories "Tales Told to a Tree"; poems "40 Poem Fragments" and book of "Aphorisms spoken in the heart of a quiet forest at the dawn of a humid day". Order via Kindle link at right of screen Copyright 2015 Louis Evan Palmer He lives in Ontario Canada. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications.