Friday, January 27, 2012

If the Universe was a Sudoku puzzle by Louis Evan Palmer

The object of Sudoku is to discover the numbers from 1 to 9 that align along each row, column and 3x3 box such that no number is repeated in any of the 3 constructs (row, column, 3x3 box). What if instead we had looked at a completed Suduko and realised that the above was true. We uncover an order in what appears to be a jumble of numbers. Bliss equals hidden order manifested.

What if our universe or multi-verse is created in such a way that it is in fact an unimaginably immense sudoku where "something" always adds up the same way no matter how you add it. You add up your lives across time and space. You add up all the connected lives you interact with in this life. You "add" up the entire planet. You add up our Solar System, our galaxy, other galaxies. Always the same total. What is it that adds up the same across all significant parameters?

It is not something mutable. It is not something bound in time. It is not some "thing" at all. That's why it's all alright. Always. Everywhere. And it doesn't matter what you say or do. Evil doesn't matter or Good. The whole is reflected in the part and the part reflects the whole. Fractals meet Sudoku. The boundless sea of potential meets the great manifestation machine. It's over before it began. It never began. It never ended.

If the Universe was a Sudoku puzzle, Louis Evan Palmer, The Way It Can Be,

Support his art, ideas and worldview, Order books by Louis Evan Palmer: the novel "Oaklane Woods"; short stories "Tales Told to a Tree"; poems "40 Poem Fragments". Order via Kindle link below or at right of screen

Copyright 2012 Louis Evan Palmer
He lives in Ontario Canada. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications.


Sunday, January 08, 2012

Year Zero - Starting Over - The Way out of Economic Collapse by Louis Evan Palmer

This may seem naive or ignorant but it seems to be clear that an almost complete government intervention would be needed if a full-scale economic collapse occurs. Do governments have plans in place? And not just plans to control, incarcerate and pacify the general population. Plans to help people and right the economy.

Plans that control all financial and related transactions and seal all borders - physical and electronic. Plans that freeze all current financial obligations and do not permit closures, seizures or foreclosures by anyone except the federal government.

The next step is to issue a new currency. All assets will have to converted into the new currency, They would be tabulated and scrutinized as to propriety and legality. The new currency would be based on the size of the economy, number of consumers, and other relevant factors.

All financial institutions would come under supervision and, potentially, governement control to ensure that accounts are kept open and that credit is available. The government would also break up private and corporate holdings that constitute an undue concentration of power.

A quick, easy and effective means of representation is needed and can take its cue from ancient Greece, the birthplace of democracy: that is, selection via lottery, one or two year terms. Leaders can be elected by the parliament by consensus as they do in the North West Territories. The current representatives are not part of the solution.

We need a plan and we need to see it and debate it.

Year Zero - Starting Over - The Way out of Economic Collapse, The Way It Can Be, Louis Evan Palmer, http:\\

Support his art, ideas and worldview, Order books by Louis Evan Palmer: the novel "Oaklane Woods"; short stories "Tales Told to a Tree"; poems "40 Poem Fragments". Order via Kindle link below or at right of screen

Copyright 2012 Louis Evan Palmer
He lives in Ontario Canada. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications.


Friday, January 06, 2012

Super Rich have excessive power by Louis Evan Palmer

On December 5th, 2012, the Globe and Mail ran a story called "Seven Millionaire Myths" by Claire Bradley of

It is basically an apology for millionaires and seeks to cast them as ordinary and like us in that they pay taxes and work for their money. But millionaires are really a red herring in this case as a million in assets is not that much. The real message of this Globe and Mail propaganda piece is to agglomerate the super rich in with the ordinary millionaires so as to be able to include them in the statements that the "rich" are being unfairly characterized in the media and we should accept the assertions in this article and applaud them and their economic contributions. Among other things, this is a roundabout way of denigrating the Occupy movement and other similar organizations or persons who call out the massive economic distortions and targeted sweet-heart policies. However, the real issue is the definition of "rich" and the undue and unreported influence of a very small "super rich" group on all levels of government, the economy and society.

Referring to a University of California study at the following website which reflects American statistics for the year 2005, there is a surprising and remarkable differentiation of wealth even in the top 1%. At the very top, a mere 400 households "earn" almost $90 million dollars income per year each mostly via financial manipulations and transactions. The continuing trend of consolidation and enrichment means it's only worse now, six years down the road, especially with unnecessary and barely legal bailouts for the chief transgressors in the recent financial debacles.

The same dangerous accumulation of wealth and power is undoubtedly happening in Europe and Asia. And then, there's other incomes that can be used to amass power and influence and manipulate events - undeclared income and assets, illegal income and assets and appropriated or seized income and assets. Again, focusing on the top of the top (i.e. the top 1/5000th of 1%), there's ample scope and an expectation for massive undue power and influence including corruption in undeveloped or developing countries and globally in government or corporate sectors where key power levers are exercised. There are also rogue government agencies, especially intelligence groups, that are creating and increasing their funding and power - and they have the added benefit of sophisticated armaments and personnel - in some ways, operating in a manner similar to organized crime. There are several groups wielding undue power but the key group in the advanced nations (and thus the world) is the super rich especially when we factor in the numerous corporations they control and which provide an enormous multiplier effect on their reach and capability. The issue becomes the excessive, often unmerited, accumulation of wealth and power by the super rich and its guaranteed abuse over time which always includes a debasement and impoverishment of the 99.9%

As an aside, there is no bio of Claire Bradley at Investopedia which appears to be her main (only?) publishing venue. As of August 2010, Forbes sold Investopedia to ValueClick. Investopedia is based in Edmonton, Alberta.

Super Rich have excessive power, Louis Evan Palmer, The Way It Can Be,

Support his art, ideas and worldview, Order books by Louis Evan Palmer: the novel "Oaklane Woods"; short stories "Tales Told to a Tree"; poems "40 Poem Fragments". Order via Kindle link below or at right of screen

Copyright 2012 Louis Evan Palmer
He lives in Ontario Canada. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications.